streda 5. júna 2013


Business Academy Levice, Slovakia
Business academy in Levice belongs among state trade secondary schools majoring in economics. Secondary economic school in Levice was established in 1967 and since then it has been preparing qualified cadres for all areas of our economy. Our school has always had to react flexibly to the changed economic situation and it has always tried to prepare its graduates to be successful at their workplaces. The considerable change has come in the special trade school system in Slovakia due to social process and the situation on the labour market since September 1990. The school transmuted , it changed its name to Business academy,  the structure of professional orientation and school subjects. Now the school  offers secondary education finished with a school-leaving examination. Graduates of this school can continue their studies at universities predominantly of  economic or law objectives. Our students are prepared for the practise in the production enterpreses, for state and public administration, for private enterprises nad companies. Thank to versatileness they can work as accountants, economists, managers, secretaries, salesmen, private enterpreneurs, bankers.

Nowadays Business academy has 12 classes and four hundred students at the age of 15 – 19. The school is equipped  with the modern computer technique, we have been involved in several Internet projects. Business academy has some special classrooms for teaching economic subjects, two special classrooms for teaching economic exercises, accounting and other economic subjects. Three special classrooms, equipped with electronic typewriters, are used for teaching technics of paperwork and economic correspondence.

Pedagogical staff is fully qualified and has 30 teachers who teach both general and economic subjects. The school offers accomodation  of students in the boarding house and boarding in the school canteen.

The National Pedagogical High School „Constantin Bratescu” European School
The school founder work of the Man and Patriot Ion Banescu is crowned with the founding of the Normal School in Constanta. The renowned politician Take ionescu, the Minister  of the  Cults and Public Education at the time, who, on october 22nd 1893, signs the Order to establish the school, „with the mission to prepare primarz school teachers for Dobrudja”, lets Ion Banescu know that,
In 1993, on the celebration of 100 years from the founding of the „Constantin Bratescu” Normal School, occasion on which the centennial institution received the honorific title of The National Pedagogical High School „Constantin Bratescu”, the first National High School in this part of the Country the Minister of Eudcation prof. Dr. Liviu Maior stated that „the existence of the Normal School in Constanta for so many decades represented a valuable and perpetual  source of refreshment of the teaching staff in this transdanubian part of the country, in this Tomitan Normal School being also educated  hundreds of other specialists of average and then higher education”.

To support the efforts to accelerate Romania`s preparations for the integration in the European Union, the Ministry of Education, Research and the Youth, the” Socrates” National Agency and the European Union Delegation have established, starting with the school year 2003/2004, the competition for the granting of the „European School” certificate, competition open to  all the pre -university education institutions which have been  involved in European cooperation activities or projects. The National Pedagogical High School : Constantin Bratescu” project and portofolio were successful in this competition of exceptional quality and importance, gaining the title of ”Europeean School” on May 9 th – Europe`s Day.

In 1882, it was the fourth Commercial College in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, so it also has to do with the history of the nations that were created after 1918, and so we share a common history.
Today, the school has a branch of commercial college for 14- 19-year old students who can go on to university, a branch called commercial school for 14- 17-year-olds (a three-year-course) a commercial school for good sportsmen and athletes (a four-year-course) and a night school that lasts at best 4 years and also finishes with a final exam.
At the school English is taught as the first foreign language alongside French and Russian as a second language and for some students Spanish as a third foreign language.

Business Academy & College of Economics Tábor, the Czech republic
The school is the state college focused on graduates of secondary schools completed graduation. Fields of study: Finance and banking – educational program Banking,  Economics and enterprising – educational program Accounting. The school is involved in projects, for example Comenius (won second place in the competition of European prize eTwining  2013). The school also organizes some trips (England) and excursions (Xmas Wien)Piece of news : School prepares for examination Cambridge English. I tis a very successful school.

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