The project „EUROPE@N CITIZENSHIP - EUROPEAN IDENTITY“ is almost at its end and students of participating schools did the survey about the project with the aim to evaluate the project.We used zoomerang survey and a Padlet/Walwisher to get the information about the evaluation Here are the results of the survey.
The total number of students who took part in this survey was 38. There were 10 questions given in the questionnaire and all of them were answered by participants of the survey. Here are the results.
On question No. 1 How motivating was project „EUROPE@N CITIZENSHIP - EUROPEAN IDENTITY“ 16 participants (42.1%) answered - extremely motivating, 18 participants (47.4%) said it is very motivating and 4 participants (10.5%) said the project is moderately motivating.
Question No. 2 . How many of the course objectives did project meet? answered 38 students. 16 students think all of them, 16 students think most of them and 6 students think that hlf of them.
Question No.3 How clearly did project explain the objectives of the course? answered 38 students. 17 of them think extremely clearly, 18 – very clearly and 3 students think moderately clearly.
Question No. 4 What were your most favorite experiences at project? students offered mostly these answers: logo competition, working in the European Parliament, meeting people in the stress and intrviewing them about the citizenship,the surveys, the most favourite experience in this project is that I learn a lot from different countries and I developed my skills in communication, giving flowers to people on Europea Day, the most important experience that I had in this project was the videokonference with the Romanian team and the Slovak team, and opportunity to learn something new.
The question No. 5 Overall, were you satisfied with your experience at project, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it? was answered like this:25 students were extremely satisfied and 13 students moderately satisfied.
Question No. 6 What are the strengths of project? students answered these responses: joy and new knowledge, the dedication that we students showed, the strengths of the project are communication and cooperation between different people with different opinion and cultures, learning English and ICT application, discussing with other students from other countries, learning more about creating the webside of the project, I think that the strenghts of the project were the communication between pupils from different countries, meeting with people who shared with us their opinion on citizenship, the study of IT applications., agreat organisation of activities and cooperation with our partners.
Question No. 7 Are your interactions with other members of your team positive, neither positive nor negative, or negative? students answered like this: 24 students say very positive, 11 students say moderately positive and 3 student slightly positive.
The students answered the question No. 8 How well does project consider the individual needs of students? this way: 21 of the answered extremely well, 13 very well and 4 said moderately well.
No 9 How large a role does the project play in the community? was answered like this: 20 students said extremely large, 11 students said the rolo of the project is very large and 7 students said the role of the project was moderately large.
Question No.10 if the cooperation on the project had been fruitful all respondents answeret positively.
According to these results it is possible to say, that students were really satisfied with the project and it was a great oportunity for students to become a better citizen of thein country and the EU as well. And students learnt a lot of great new things about citzenship, citizens´ rights and the project has had a lot of assets
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